Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 9, 2012 Wesel is Awesome!

Well hello guys!

This week has been pretty good. I guess there were just a few funny things that happened this week.

So first off, we were at Dinslaken coming back from an appointment and this guy that the Elders met a while ago on a bus walks up and says hi. He was drunk. He then proceeded to buy us hot chocolate which was really good and awfully nice of him. So then he realized that he forgot his newspaper in the coffee shop. He ran back in, but before he did he made Elder Baum hold his cigarette. So Elder Baum was just standing there with the ciggarette, and I told him to face the wall. The guy came back with his newspaper and took his cigarette back and proceeded to finish it off. Then we had a nice discussion about how this guy doesnt like anyone not from Germany, namely Turks. And then he started on about how gays are awful and blacks are awful... well we were just like *sigh. It was sad, he was a really nice guy, the only problem was that he doesn't like anyone unlike himself.

Well, then we got a refferal from the Elders in Duisburg from the Elders Quorum president or something. Anyways, we called him and set up an appointment. The only problem is that it takes an hour by bus to get there and it's in the middle of nowhere. So we get ready for the all day trek and right before we leave, he cancels on us. I am so glad that we didn't get there and he say "No time". He said that he would call us though, who knows what's going to happen.

So the ward here is so awesome, we get such an awesome reception and the members here love us. We are working with them right now on getting whats called the "First Mission Kit" to all the members giving them goals and things to work towards with missionary work. They are so cool. Elder Peterson did a lot of member work and built up really good relationships. This is a really great area.

Well, I don't really have anything else for this week other than how I am enjoying Wesel.

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

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