Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 23, 2012 Busy Week in Wesel

Well hello everyone!

This week has been pretty cool. I don't have a lot of time before I leave for Krefeld today, so I will only be sending a massive email and no personal ones. Sorry.

So this week, I was posed the question (by my president) how do I want others, specifically missionaries, to see me? I thought about this question for a long time. I figured that for the first half of my mission basically, I really didn't care how others thought of me. Now, I realized I at least have to make a decent impression. But for the most part, I stay away from the side of judging that comes from the politics around here. I may have found the middle ground at last... Sorry if that doesn't make sense; it makes sense in my head.

Well, I met with the Ayala Vasquez family again. That was way cool. We talked for a while and I get to go visit them again today with Elder Mayle! I am so excited to see Krefeld again. It's really in good hands with Elder Hall. He loves the city. They got a new bishop too. Its Brother Spence. He is from England and is pretty cool too.

So we also had Zone Konferenz. It was more of a mini one. It was still good and I certainly learned a lot. Not about what they were talking about, but more about me. I learned that I shouldn't go too far into the gospel. I shouldn't go too deep. I need to stick with the basics because that is what I am teaching out here.

I also learned that last week, I was just way too stressed out. I am still looking for positive releases for stress. It's really hard considering I can't just go outside and run. I think that's the reason why I was so frustrated with my companion and with other things. I am so glad it doesn't last forever. I am so excited for when I get home.

Thanks so much for the packages I got over Christmas! I got packages from the Davis Family and the Vincents. It was way awesome. Just for future reference, I want all my mail, to go to the mission office. That way I don't miss anything and get anything left in a city.

I had interviews with President last week too. It was really nice, he said he likes my German accent. It was really funny. It may have been because I was chewing a piece of gum while I was in there, but I will let him think I have great German. =)

Well, I am now off to Krefeld. Half the Zone is going to be there which should be fun. Course, we just need to figure out what we are all going to do... Oh well.

Thanks for all the support, and I love hearing from you all in Emails!

Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

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