Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 30, 2012

Hey guys!
Another week has gone by and it feels like eternity since I emailed you all.

So I was thinking, now is about the time in my mission where nothing new or exciting really happens or stands out. I guess that's what happens when you are out in the field for a while. So I got to thinking, if you guys could send me a few good questions every week, it would help with writing about things to talk about. And I see that you have already done that!

So the weather here has taken a turn for the worse. It finally snowed here. And the temperature is dropping to about -7 degrees celcius. So it's really cold now.

My talk went fairly well, I spoke for about 12 to 14 minutes on Christlike Attributes. The congregation paid fairly close attention and seemed to enjoy it. I had to tie everything into with holiness of heart, bringing the work to pass. It was pretty hard, but I did a good job. I will send a copy of it to you guys in an email or something.

I haven't heard anything about tranfers yet, but we get calls this Saturday. I am kinda excited to see whats going to happen. I am pretty sure I will stay in Wesel for another couple of transfers, but anything can happen. Once Elder Hall leaves Krefeld, I will be the king of the district. That means that I will have been in the district for the longest.

On a good note, one of the people I taught in Krefeld is getting baptized this upcoming week. I am really excited for that. He is a good guy, and I hope that I will be able to go and see it. Elder Mayle is excited for that, as well.

I haven't heard anything from Nürnberg, but that's ok. I am going to call them and see if Rebecca is getting baptized in a few weeks. That is exciting, too.

I think the thing that I was supposed to learn this transfer is patience. I gave a theme on it at the beginning of the transfer, but now I see why. I have been doing a lot better about being patient, as well.

I have definitely been learning a lot lately (not in the sense of books,) and I think it's been doing some good for me.

On another note, I am almost at my halfway mark! At the end of next transfer I will be going into transfer 9 of 16!

...yeah, I could use some questions so that I have something to talk about. Haha, living here feels like normality, yet, when I think about going home, It just seems weird.

Well, in short, I am doing good. Things here are moving along slowly but surely. Thanks for all the support and letters and packages!

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

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