Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012 Oh Yeah

Well let's see what's been going on lately. Bear with me if this turns a little political. It shouldn't though.

I have been hearing lots of things about the election, the economic crisis in Europe, and just the state of the world in general and it got me thinking. I guess the first thing that came to mind was that even though I have no access to media outlets here, I hear a lot from the missionaries serving in American wards (pretty much my entire district). I don't know if missionaries can get out of sync or out of touch with the world unless a conscious effort is made. But I guess that wasn't the most important part. I think what impacted me the most was how much of a corrupt society we live in.

What I am trying to say is that people run around, screaming that they have the answers to the worlds problems when, in reality, they are just giving an over the counter remedy for the symptom and waiting for the sickness to pass. I hold those in high respect that work frantically for solutions for the problems we face in the world. However, sometimes, we run around with fire extinguishers in times of flood.

I would go on and on, but it's not that important.

Obviously, this sickness has a solution, but no one is bold enough to even mention it. No one wants to hear the hard truth that we have to change ourselves if we are to change the world.  No one wants to hear the news that what they are doing is wrong and that it must stop. That they must get over their bruised egos and change themselves. All of the cunning, malice, selfishness, pride, and self righteousness must be pushed aside and shunned for the world to truly change.

Replace these negative attributes with love, charity, virtue, kindness, and humility, and we can turn this world into something better. That's the solution. Following the teachings of the Master. Who else do we have as an example? The only person on the earth who was perfect. The only person who magnified these qualities to divine proportions. Jesus Christ is the way.

I see people every day who think of God as like (I am quoting Neal A. Maxwell on this one) a kindly grandfather who is content with us trying to find our own way back to him. A God who is content when we take pleasure in sin. Or even a God who is completely disinterested in what we are doing here one earth. This is not the case. He is there, he cares, and he loves us so much that he is willing to allow us to deal with one another knowing the consequences.

That's the spiel for the week. It's pretty ridiculous. Lots of Europeans follow American Politics, so I hear a lot.

Other than that, this week has been pretty good. I had a split with one of the Zone Leaders. I find splits a waste of time honestly... This one especially. It was basically just an excuse to psychologically analyze the companionship and area. It was pretty wack.

We also helped a friend of a member move a couple of couches. I carried a couch for a pretty good distance by myself and then Elder Johnson switched with me. It was pretty cool. We invited him to Sommerfest, which was pretty good. He is a cool guy and one of these days he is going to take the lessons. I just have a feeling. :)

1.  How many lessons do you usually teach during the week or the month? Probably like 7 on a good week. So yeah, 28-31 ish a month.2.  Has your area had any baptisms lately? Not for a while. A couple of years I think.
3.  Have you gotten together with the French missionaries again?  Do they usually come over to Germany or do you go over there? No not lately. I think they are coming this sunday to visit the Forbach Branch. We never go over there because we don't really have a reason to.
4.  Is Germany hot in August?  Is there much humidity? In some places is like hell but worse, but here it's been pretty tolerable. Nürnberg was crazy hot. It got so stupidly hot that we used to change our shirts halfway throughout the day. Haha. I don't ever want to go through that again.
5.  So did you have an interview with President Schwartz at your last conference? Actually no I didn't. I am having one Aug. 25th. The last time I had one was Feb. So it's been a while.

6.  Did he give you any new advice? ...No. Haha.
7.  What is the best thing you cook now? Well, we don't do much cooking. We usually eat more whole foods like fruits and veggies. The only thing we cook is rice, beans, carrots, bell peppers, and sometimes meat. It's a pretty good lunch. It gives me enough energy for the rest of the day. 
8.  Have you fixed any of your famous chocolate chip cookies for this area yet? No. It's hard to find crisco and brown sugar and on the chance that I find it, it's way expensive. 
9.  How are your plans going for the luau? Pretty good, we need a little bit more music... so if you could pass that along to Dad. I think for food we are going to do musubi, pani popo, and that somen salad thingy. Decorations are going to consist of leis. 
10.  Did you get all the music Dad sent you? He sent me about 12 songs. I need about 8 more.
11.  What schools do you want me to check on for you getting into when you get back?  Sister Hanks told me today that BYU schools offer return missionary scholarships.  Do you want me to check on that, too? Uh, I think right now, I will wait until fall to get back to school. I had the idea that I could work a couple of jobs through winter spring and summer before staring school. I am looking at UNCC or something like that. I really have no desire to go to BYU. 

12.  Is the Niesen family the family who takes care of you dinnerwise the most often? Yeah more than most. They are way cool. They feed us when they can and for me, that is enough. We get an appointment maybe once every three weeks or so. I can't take it more than that. It's a bit of a splurge for me to eat rich food that often.

Kinda on the same note, I have gone down from 91/90 Kilos to 81.1 since new years. Thats about 200 lbs to 178 lbs. I have become a bit of a health guru compared to other missionaries. Elder Johnson and I have strengthened our resolve for these last 3 weeks to workout exta hard and keep the diet up. My goal is to get all the way back down to 76 Kilos or abou 169 lbs. That's what I was 2 years ago during winter. 

I am starting whats called 6 months to sexy. I officially start next week. haha (14th) But it's going to take some willpower and concentration. Actually come to think of it, I started just over 21 years ago. ;)

All in all, this week has been pretty good and I heard a rumor that Elder Johnson could be training next transfer so that would mean that there is a possibility of me leaving.

With that in mind, I am finishing everything I want to do in Saarbrücken if I do leave. 

Next week for me is goong to be pretty busy. Elder Johnson goes to Frankfurt for some training meeting and I will be staying with Elder Bame and Elder Peterson in Kaiserslautern. They are 2 of the coolest guys out here, so it will be a load of fun.

I am not sure if I told any of you about this yet, but I started to collect things for a mission chronicle. I have already started what I like to call a "Trunky Book". It's not so much a trunky book as much of things that have influenced me in life and what I plan on accomplishing after my mission. It's pretty small (I can hear your sighs of relief) and it will be nothing compared to my mission book. I am collecting stories from companions and little notes I wrote down long ago for this monstrous endeavor. It's going to take so much time, but I think you all (and myself) will appreciate it when I get home. 

Well I guess this turned out to be a pretty decent email. It should considering I took a while to write it.

Have a great week and I look forward to next week's email. 

Love you guys!

P.S. Don't worry about money, I am doing just fine.

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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