Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012 Ramstein

Hey guys, 

So this past week has been pretty good. I was in Ramstein (Yeah, like the band, but the band is actually spelled with 2 m's) with my former comp Elder Jongejan for 2 days while he was sick at home. That was pretty awesome. We talked about guns and politics and what we wanted to do when we get home. It was so fun. It took us back a year ago when we first started working together. Can you believe it's been so long? 

I had my first epiphany last night where I thought of how far I have come and how the time has been flying. Its ridiculous.

I had my talk on Sunday (which are always hastily prepared) and Elder Johnson said it didn't sound thrown together. But at the same time no one at church really mentioned anything about it so who knows. 

Elder Johnson went to Frankfurt with the other leaders. The first thing he said was that he doesn't want to be in leadership anymore. Haha. 

I have also been thinking a lot about this mission book I am going to start. I think I want to include everything I have done and read and studied in it. It's definitely going to be massive but I first need pictures and and some of the other goodies I habe saved up over the past 12 transfers and MTC (talks, study journal entries, spiritual thoughts, journal entries, ward activities, etc.) It's going to be epic and I am going to be sending a sneak peek of my Trunky Book in video format! So stay tuned. 

So how is that absentee ballot going? I forgot how much I love politics. I get this huge rush everytime I think about it. I haven't had that for like 4 years. Haha. Do you remember how intense I was during the last election? You must have thought that I was a political pundit of sorts working for Fox News. Haha.

Maybe I should do law AND political science... That would be  a stellar combo. Haha.

Oh and if you could also thank Grandma for the money she sent for my Birthday, that would be nice. I will be thanking her as well. 

1.  So did Elder Johnson get a golden Elder to train this transfer? 
We don't know yet. I am betting yes, against his wishes. Haha.

2.  How many new Elders are coming?  Did you ever find out? 
I think somewhere around 18 Elders are coming in. I live in the information Black hole of the mission. I never know anything.

3.  What things are on your list of must do's before you get transferred out of Saarbrucken? 
I need to get a Saarbrücken scarf and send a package home full of stuff I don't want to carry around.

4.  What advice do you have for Katie as she goes off to college? 
Keep your room clean, get enough sleep, do your homework/studying, and magnify your calling and you will pass everything easy. It's mostly psychological.

5.  Did I ever send you a picture of Katie at her graduation? 
I don't think so.

6.  Did you ever meet with your mission president?
 No, I meet with him on Aug. 28th.

7.  How is your luau planning coming?
 Pretty good, we have an appointment with the new EQ President to see what we have left. 

8.  Are the people who live in your ward mostly people who have grown up in Saarbrucken, or have they moved there from other places? 
I think most people grew up here and never left. Apparently the job market here took a hit when they got rid of the steel and coal buisness. (Ring any bells? America?) So a bunch of the members who were involved left the area and found work somewhere else. Fun fact: A lot of younger people are leaving Saarbrücken because there is no work here. They come here to study and then leave when they are done. It's definitely taking a toll on the area.

9.  Are you staying in Saarbrucken this transfer? 
We get transfer calls on the 25 th this month. I am pretty sire I am leaving though so it's busy busy busy.

10.  Dad wants to know when you need the rest of the luau music by? 
By next week would be optimal.

I hope you all have a great week!

Love you!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main


  1. Sister Baker,
    This is Sister Richards, my son leaves the MTC next week for Frankfurt. I have a few questions for you. How do you get photos from your son and did he go with an adapter or have the missionaries left some in the apartments? I have enjoyed following your sons blog!

    1. Hi Sister Richards,

      I'm excited for your son to get out in the mission field! Germany is a wonderful place!! I'm not sure exactly how my son sends the pictures. I know he's had trouble sending them sometimes. I should ask him in one of my next letters. He sends the pictures as attachments to his emails. Most of the time I can open them up. Sometimes they don't open for some unknown reason. He and his companion go to an internet cafe on P-day to write their letters and send emails to us.

      Well, good luck to your son. I know you will look forward to his emails home. Also, my cousin encouraged me to start this blog of Trevor's letters as a sort of scrapbook. Apparently, you can get the blog turned into a hard back book. I thought it sounded like a neat idea.

      By the way, where are you from? We're from North Carolina.
