Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 22, 2012 Happy Earth Day!

Well we got transfer calls on Saturday... For some reason they have't been as exciting lately as they have been. When I was with Elder Baum and Jongejan, I was so stoked about transfer calls, not so much anymore. I wonder why... Well Elder WIlkinson and I are going to stay for another one. It's good. We get along pretty well. We have been doing a lot of going by on less actives and potentials lately, and therefore we have been spending lots of time at bus stops. I'ts pretty ridiculous. I think I have said that we spend just as much time on transportation as we do in appointments. There is nothing we can do about that though. Right now, we are having a pday in Trier where the alleged "seamless robe of Christ" is on display. They also claim to have the grave of Matthew. I think today we are going to just go to the castle and check it out instead of wasting our time (and money) on a scam and hoax. Haha. I found out what Saarbrücken is known for. Elder Wilkinson said porn shops and casinos, but I remembered that he told me that Saarbrücken was a mining town. There used to be a lot of coal here. I think it's all gone now though. Haha.

  1. Do you have any words of advice for Emma and marching band? 
Yeah, stop drinking soda and start running. Seriously, not just because I love running and I think that everybody should love it too. Haha. That and stay away from the low brass kids. They are crazy.

  2. Will you send me a picture of your apartment or the address so I can see it from google earth? 
Seriously, it's not the best part of town. I wouldnt want to look at it from Google Earth... Haha

  3. Do you think you'll be transferred before Mother's Day? I was wondering how we will get to talk to you on that day. I hope we get to skype again. I still have the recording of that. I love it. I showed the beginning of it to the missionaries Friday night. They saw the part where you said it takes knocking on 1000 doors before you get a baptism. They thought it was neat that I video taped it. : ) me too! 
Well I will probably be skyping in an internet cafe because the shops arent closed on Mother's Day. Yeah, don't worry, it's gonna happen.

  4. Have you been to France yet or had splits with the Elders from France? (Katie is so jealous at this prospect. lol)
I actually have been to France. I went and got a baguette and an eclair. However you spell it... The French Elders came over for a Sunday so they can meet with the branch that meets in our building. It was fun. One of them was a little weird and Elder Wilkinson and I had some fun with that. The other Elder was like, "He needs to get transferred." Haha.

  5. Dad wants to know what the funniest thing is that happened this week.
 I don't really remember... Oh yeah, our week got all messed up because of a mega service project that has lasted like 3 weeks. It's still not done. We get to go tomorrow and "finish" This week has been brutal. I think usually the funniest things that happen are the things we say when we are waiting for bus stops and in Bahns and stuff.

  6. I want to know what the best thing is that happened this week.
I learned about Lilith. I bought some Ukrainian cologne, too. It was 1.75 Euro and it smells... well like 1.75 Euro Ukrianian cologne would smell. We found this Russian supermarket in the rough part of town and now we have been stopping by to buy some Russian sodas and stuff. It's pretty cool. I am going to send pics and check out the rest of Trier today. Next week I will have more pics for you. As far as investigators are doing, they are doing well. One makes progress very slowly and we have to have lots of patience, and the other is reading and studying a lot. It's going well for her. She plans on working towards baptism. Those are our only investigators at the moment, but we plan on starting to work with more less actives now too.

 Ok pics...

Elder Trevor Baker

 P.S. Come up with some questions for Mother's Day!

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012 Baptism in Bittburg!

1. Can you send a picture of you and Elder Wilkinson and also a picture of Saarbrucken?
I will see if I can get one taken at district meeting. I need a haircut and I don't have any more MSF money to get one... I will definitely get one soon though.

2. Do you get to do service projects during the week?

Lots actually. We moved two people and it was crazy. It was like that one move Dad and I helped out at in New Mexico. It was definitely way crazy. We were at the first one for 6 hours or so and we STILL didnt finish. The other one we were only there for a couple of hours and we made a good bit of progress.

3. What is Saarbrucken well known for?
I don't really know. It's swapped sides between France and Germany many times and it was part of France until the 70s or something. It's got a lot of other cities that have Saar in the name... I will see if I can catch up on some reading for it.

4. Do you have to walk far to get to the church?
No we take a bus now. It gets us there about 10 minutes before church starts so it's all good. I am glad I dont have to walk 40 minutes every Sunday morning anymore.

5. Are there any funny expressions that the missionaries in your mission say?

It changes with every companionship. We usually have lots of inside jokes and say something to remind us of a funny experience.

6. Do you need anything?

No actually. I spent some money to get all new white shirts and another pair of pants. I don't think I will be needing anything for a while.

7. Have you taken your vitamins this week? haha (Your vitamin stash should be half gone by now so no more jokes --lol)
I have been taking vitamin C.

8. Have you met your neighbors?
Yeah, one of them is a member that we visit every Sunday. He is way cool and helps us when we need anything. We also get food from them sometimes, too.

9. What do you do for fun on your p-day?
We usually just check out the area and see what we can do that is fun. Normally it's just checking out the sites.

10. What do you usually say to someone the first time you meet them on the train or on the street?
It depends on the person. I hate information blasting people with "hey we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ, we are sharing a message..." I can't stand that. I usually try and talk about whatever comes to mind or anything that I am thinking about.

11. How do you feel about being allergic to cats now? Will you become a "dog person" like Dad?
I actually don't want to deal with pets unless they stay outside. It's way too much work to keep up with them. Who knows though, it could change by the time I get back home.

12. Where do your district leaders live?
I only have one, and he is my companion.

13. When is the next transfer?
Like next week. I have no idea what's going on or why this past transfer went by so fast.

14. Do you think you'll stay in Saarbrucken?
It's possible, I had two dreams last night. One was that I was getting transferred. The other was that Elder Wilkinson was getting transferred.

15. What is the best thing that happened this week?
We gave a Book of Mormon to a guy in an appointment with a less active. The story is on my other email. I will send in a few minutes.

Yeah, this week has gone by so fast.

I had a split with Elder Bateman from Bittburg. He is pretty cool. He has been in the district for 4 transfers with the same companion now. It was a really good split. I don't really know the area, but we had a great appointment with a less active member.

We were there for about an hour and a half and the woman's daughter and the daughter's significant other were there. They got to know a little bit more about the church, what the missionaries do and all that good stuff. At the end we even gave him a Book of Mormon, and he thought it was awesome. Then he asked if I could write my address in the cover-- which I did. We gave him a card and everything to go with it. It was really cool.

I did forget to talk about the baptism from Bittburg. So we gave her an interview a few days before, and Elder Wilkinson forgot the baptismal record for the interview. That's part of the reason why we went. It was really cool, and she said, "That's it?" When she came out of the water. She is going to an American ward and they really supported her. It was cool to see. It was the first convert baptism I have seen.

I have started to think about the possible progress there is in Saarbrücken. I realized last week that there is a lot of work to do, but lots of potential. I just hope that Elder Wilkinson and I can get everything done that we can.

Yeah, if you could check out semester starting times for CPCC that would be awesome. I am still wondering what I should do. My release date is somewhere in Feb now because of the shortened trasnfers, but that is still up in the air. I won't think about it too much of course... But it's always in the back of my mind.

Well have a great week. Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 9, 2012 Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Well for starters, this week has been the longest busiest week I have ever had. I was in like 5 different cities doing a myriad of different things like splits, district meetings, and trying to get back to Saarbrücken.

My week started like this: We went to Kaiserslautern to do a split because Elder Wilkinson needed to go to Frankfurt for some kind of training thing. Then I stayed the night with Elder Harty in Ramstein. We have a good time and go finding the next day with the Ramstein Elders. It went pretty well. Then we are told by the Zone leaders that we need to get to Idar Oberstein to switch back. I end up buying a 25 euro ticket to get there. We get there at like 9:30 and wait for the other Elders until 11:30. They finally get there, and they say that we need to get to a place to sleep because Idar Oberstein doesn't have any room. So instead of taking an hour long train back to Saarbrücken, we drive for 40 minutes back to Kaiserslautern because we would get home faster. We get back to Kaiserslautern at 1:15 am and then get up the next morning to take a train back to Saarbrücken. Then the next day, we take a 2 hour train up to Bittburg to attend a baptism and then another 2 hour train back. We got home at 11:30. Then by this time it's Friday. I am still wiped out from the jacked up sleep schedule.

Other than that, this week was good and because of the crazy travel stuff, I am not sure what happened this week or last week. I also gave a talk on Easter Sunday, and it was pretty good for starting it on Saturday night. I honestly didn't think I had time to write it. I didn't have a chance to type it up, so you probably wont get it for a while.

The weather has taken a turn for the worse around here. We have started to get rain, and it's not longer shorts weather anymore. In spite of that, I am wearing shorts today.

1. So how are things in Saarbrucken? Have you made it over to France yet?
Things are going well, our main investigator is progressing slowly. He takes correction well, which is good. I have made it to the border, but we haven't had the French Elders over yet. Hopefully next Sunday.

2. How was your week with splits in Bittsburg?
So we had a split planned for this week but because of transportation reimbursements, we have to wait until next week. I will probably be with Elder Bateman in Saarbrücken.

3. What do Germans do for Easter?
They don't go to work because it's a holiday and I am pretty sure they just go to church and then stay home. Unfortunately, we didnt get any eating appointments with members, so we went to McDonalds with the Bittburg Elders after district meeting.

4. Is the language in Saarbrucken different from other places you've been?
No, mainly it's just the accent that is different. Sometimes I hear French, and sometimes I hear English from some of the Africans.

5. How is your German? Any problems?

I don't really talk much, but it's not that bad.

6. Do you dream in German yet?
Yeah, lately I have been dreaming in German all the time.

7. Are you taking your vitamins?
Uh... no. haha.

8. Do you have allergies over there?

Just with cats. I developed it when I was in Nürnberg.

9. Do you have the same wattage for electrical appliances over there or do you have different kinds of plugs? No, all I know is that I have to use a transformer and then an adapter.

10. How many weeks until Mother's Day?
Uhh, I have no idea.

11. Will you get to skype home again like you did for Christmas?
Maybe, if the internet cafe is open then. I will definitely try to get skype set up so I can talk during that week.

12. How long has Elder Wilkinson been out?
He is 2 transfers older than me, and he is hitting his 18 month mark soon.

13. How long does it take you to walk to church now?
We take a bus. It's about 15 minutes.

14. Did you have any great teaching appointments this week?
We had a good appointment with some members in Ramstein. That was cool.

So yeah, basically, I am way tired and I want to take a nap for Pday today. Yeah, that's about it.

Thanks for emailing and stuff.

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012 General Conference

Well hello everyone!

So this week has been pretty cool. Elder Wilkinson and I have a busy week planned ahead of us. But first off, I will give some insights from General Conference.

This year, I had a really hard time concentrating to what the speaker was saying. It was kinda unusual. My mind kept wandering. I think it was just an off day. I kept thinking about what life will be like when I get back home and how awesome running is going to be... sigh. Oh well.

Then of course, the next thing that I think about is "Who needs to hear this that I know?" Yet another thought about back home. Well, at least I am having that thought right? Haha.

Then of course, my mind goes back to running. I think I am addicted to it. And that's about all for my crazy thoughts from General conference.

Now for the good stuff. This General Conference was all about correction. We all need correction at different times of our lives. I got the message that I need to take a personal inventory. It's nothing bad, it means that I might be ready for the next step, but I am not sure what that might be yet.

I had never thought how important home teaching is until I came out here too. Home teaching holds families together. It's divinely inspired.

I also really liked what Elder D Todd Christofferson said too about what doctrine really is that comes from church leaders. He said the same thing when he was with us in Düsseldorf.

Well this week I get to spend a few days in kaiserslautern because Elder Wilkinson has to go to frankfurt. Then I have another split in Saarbrücken with one of the Elders from Bittburg. Yay for long weeks!


1. So who is the better cook...you or Elder Wilkinson? (Mom)
Well, I actually do all the cooking and Elder Wilkinson does all the dishes. I'ts a good system. On a side note, Elder Baum and I never liked doing dishes, so we decided to put everything in the attic and only used one fork, spoon, knife, bowl, plate, and cup. Haha.

2. Did you get any souvenirs from Germany yet? (Mom)
No, not yet. I have had to buy new clothes lately because my other ones were wearing out. I did find a really cool store here called Primark. It's a way cheap store where you can buy clothes. I actually bought a shirt and tie for 10 euro and another 2 ties for 5 euro. It really needs to break into the US. It would put JC Penny out of business.

3. Did you watch conference? (Katie)
Yep, I watched it in the ward building in Saarbrücken. We were going to go to either Bittburg to have a party with the American ward or go to Kaiserslautern, but the money for the month didn't get in yet, and it was available to us in English here in Saarbrücken.

4. Did you see David Archuleta singing at General Conference on Saturday? He is on his mission now and is in the MTC and sang with their choir. (Katie)

No, I don't even know what he looks like.

5. How many member meals do you get every week? (Jason)
Hah, maybe like 1 if we are lucky. We need to actually put up the new eating calendar. Thanks for the reminder.

6. Do you use bikes or a car yet? (Jason)
Neither. We have some of the best public transportation system in the country. We can get just about anywhere we need to in a reasonable amount of time. The only area in the mission that uses bikes still is Paderborn which is out in the middle of nowhere. Basically, bikes are dying out. I have only used them once and I have been out for 13 months.

7. How is Saarbrucken? (Mom)
It's a way cool city. Like I mentioned, the shopping here is ridiculous. There is a university here, and it's a pretty big city too. I haven't had the chance to really check it out yet.

8. Do they play disc golf in Germany? (Mom)
I have never seen it. They do have a lot of really cool running paths and trails. Germany is very pedestrian friendly.

9. Can you believe you are at 13 months? Amazing!!! (Mom)
No, I honestly can't. I have been able to read in my journal from last year while I was at the MTC.

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

Oh and I have another talk in church next Sunday. Woo...