Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011 Strange Experience on the Train

Hey Mom,

Boy this last week has been pretty crazy for us too. First of all, probably my most interesting story, we were "harassed" or one could even say "threatened" on a bahn on Saturday.

There we were, Elder Petersen and I on a companion exchange and two drunk guys started yelling, "Ah, the Mormons!" So we sat there like any good missionary and ignored them. Then they decided to come sit next to us and start talking.The first guy walked up to me, held his crucifix up to my face and said, "Do you know what that is?" I said yeah, and then he said "Kiss it." I told him no way. One of them looked at Elder Petersen and said, "If I hit you, you wont hit me back." Then the guy looked at me and said, "But you, you will. Will you hit me back?"

So at that moment time literally froze and my mind went like a supercomputer figuring out all the possible combinations of what I could do. I thought, if I lost it and threw a punch back, what would it make the church look like, as well as myself. Then I thought of the story with Jesus. I only have 2 cheeks. Then, back to reality, I said no. He told me I better not be lying.

So during all this, everybody on the Bahn is staring at us like, what are they going to do? Elder Petersen decided to go for the "Are you happy?" liner, but its not like they could have felt the spirit, drunk anyways though. So they quickly got bored and possibly scared because I was about to call the police (German "Polizei" are not known for compassion).

After all this they got off the Bahn and started stumbling away. I still dont know how I came up with the answer I did. (Spirit) But I know that If anything would have happened, I could have either 1. Ran away or 2. Defended myself and companion. (The guy looked like weak-sauce, and I am the Elder who does like 100 push ups a day as well as Kenpo workouts with Elder Mayle.)

Well that was the highlight of my week and the only other thing that happened was that we revived our Macedonian investigator.

The story starts at Zone conference... I end up procuring a "JW Shuffle." Then we saw our former investigator on the street so we invited him to church by using the words, Kirche, morgen? He was like, yeah. So we meet up at church and since he doesnt understand anything, I decide to give him a lesson and base it off of getting him to understand that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. That whole deal.

So I end up giving him scriptures from the JW Shuffle and I can see the indocrination coming out of his face! It was crazy, I looked at Elder Mayle and said, "Its working!" So we end up making an appointment for tuesday and we will finish going over the name of God with him. Yay!

The Krefelder Kraken was a little tricky to make. Basically you can take any brownie recipie and cookie recipie and just put it together. You have to bake it in layers though. Ours didnt cook all the way through so we improvised. This 4th of July Celebration we are going to try making another one.

Thats not cool about the AC or the water faucet. Ugh, that must be rough. We dont really have AC here either but I can imagine how bad it must be at home. Blah. I will definitely include you all in my prayers.

We dont really eat very often at the members houses, we typically get like 1 a month or so. Its kinda sad but We have 2 this saturday which is way cool.

The language here is coming along really well. I dont speak it as much as I can but I can get the point across pretty well. Its sometimes hard to speak it with a companion that is fluent already but we work at it. I wonder how corey is doing. The thought just crossed my mind that some missionaries dont get to do emails. Hah, arent you lucky?

I heard from Sean too. Glad to hear that his spirits are up and he is keeping on going. Bummer about the cords, I am sure if colin went back there he could find them. Oh well, with the games he borrowed, I am sure he wont be too disappointed.

Also, pictures will be in a seperate email this time. Haha

Love you!

Elder Baker

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