Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 14, 2011 Another Tuesday P-Day

Hey mom!

This week has been pretty crazy, we found out that our investigator from Serbia is a Muslim and them we found out he has been reading JW literature. Ugh, oh well. But we still need a translator. Haha

Then we went by a couple of potentials who might be interested. We stopped by one lady, but when we handed her a Tamil Book of Mormon she said, "No, I cant read this book." We asked why and she said, "My pastor told me not to." Elder Mayle and I discussed this for over an hour. I can go into detail about it in a letter or something.

So in Jesus the Christ I am marking my scriptures as I go along. It's getting pretty intense. That book goes so deep it's ridiculous.

On Wednesday night, Elder Mayle and I made the Krefelder Kraken. It's a combination of his brownies and my cookies, and tons of chocolate. The bottom layer iswas brownie with white chocolate. The middle layer was my cocolate chip cookies with (german) chocolate chuncks. (I actually found Crisco here!) Then the top was brownie with Lindt chocolate drizzle. It was amazing, you would be proud.

Elder Mayle started doing all the p90X moves I remember every morning and evening. We are starting to get exhausted, but that's OK. Maybe we will call it our humility program. Haha

Apparently we got a golden refferal yesterday. This girl was an exchange student in Idaho, has a Book of Mormon, and loves it. We haven't met with her yet, but her being golden turned into a priority.

Oh we were in Kempen going by a couple of people and we were standing on the gleis or platform at the trainstation and we were waiting for our train. I was looking around seeing who is around and Elder Mayle notices a really cute girl checking me out. I guess I must be doing something right. Haha I love being a runner.

Monday was a feiertag here which means that all the stores close. We still proselyted but there was no one outside so we went by as many people as possible. It was still good though. And that is why Pday is on tuesday this week.

I worked in Mönchengladbach with Elder Garlick on Sat. That was intense. We rode bikes all day so my butt and legs hurt so bad. He is definitely the hardest working missionary I have seen here. He is a great guy.

So we ran out of food like 2 days ago and because Monday wasnt pday we werent able to get any shopping done. We started going through some of the stuff that has been here for a while. There is a reason it hasn't been eaten. I had some nasty potato puree thing. So we went out and got döners.

For Colin: My companion is way cool. He likes music like me and we play frisbee every week.

Katie: You have to destroy all the liberal hippies when you get into AP Gov. Do it for me!

Mom: We have Zone Conferences every transfer and District meetings every week. I found out on Sat. that I will be staying with Elder Mayle for another month and a half which is pretty sweet.

I still haven't heard from Sean. I will probably shoot him a quick email this week.

Love you all!

Elder Baker

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