Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 20, 2011

Hey Mom!

Things here have been going great! Elder Mayle and I are having a great time. Thats way cool about the iPad thing at your school. I have actually seen a couple of members using them in church haha. That would be way cool to use them in class.

Speaking of iPods and such, what I was thinking, was that I could just buy an iTouch here so that I could get it soon. The reason for that is because if you send it (or and ipod) right now, I wont get it until August. Thats because we have Zone Conference this week and thats when we get packages and so on.

Oh and I wouldn´t need speakers because all of the apartments have them. So I was thinking that I could get an iTouch here and use it for my mission and even afterwards. This way I can put some of the music that my companions listen to onto the iTouch and continue having it for the rest of my mission. Elder Mayle ended up buying one and its been working out great for the apartment. Let me know what you think. I am going to let Aunt Glenda know too. I hope she didn´t go out and get something already.

Let me know what you think about this idea. So far I have talked to about 3 other missionaries who do this and it works out really well. They say that they get their music from members.

Thats so cool that Dad is going to be the Elders Quorum president! Awesome!

Well the only real big thing that happened this week was our Muslim friend. He thought we were the Jehovahs Witness church. We ended up finding that out last time we met with him and he hasnt been to church in a couple weeks. There really isnt anything we can do at this point other than be friendly and see if we can find a translator and possibly try and continue teaching. Its rough but such is life.

Oh and technically we arent supposed to contact muslims as we tract and do doors. For a couple of obvious reasons. And if they want to be baptized then they need to be interviewed by the mission president. And we need to make sure it is safe if they return to another country. Oh well. We actually found out that there is no church building or ward in Macedonia but there is one in Serbia. So we have no idea if it was safe or not. Maybe this is for the best. Na ja.

Basically thats all I have for this week. Nothing has really happened other than that. I just wanted to let you know that I am still think about you and praying for you. I heard from Sean too so I am really happy about that. I think that next week I will write down a few more things during the week so I have more to tell you all.

Love You!

Elder Trevor Baker

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