Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 15, 2011 Dear Dad

I got a kick out of the Ncognito Baker thing on the letter. It's good to hear from you. It's nice to hear from everyone. I guess I am making more of an impat back home that out in Germany (understandable).

First of all, I got dibs on the front yard when I get home. I will weedwack too. I don't want to deal with 2 years' worth of Maddy droppings in the backyard.

I got a dearElder from Sean and thanks for the update. He goes into surgery today. I know he will do ok.

Ok you might want to work on your penmanship. I know mine isn't good, but yours is terrible. I had to read some sentences over 3 times and use context clues to see what words you were trying to use.

Good to hear about all the gun stuff, except for the bent die. Now we should be set for a zombie apocalypse! JK but seriously all we need is a rifle that shoots .38 and .357. Emma is a funny girl, guns and planes? Hahaha.

Today is 4-15 and I should be getting the package Mom sent before lunch. I love pictures of stuff back home so keep em coming! Luscombe pictures, gun pictures, family, dog, friends, girls who might be interested in an RM one day...whatever. I love pictures. Just don't send me one of the Neon. Hahaha. Maybe she will be waiting for me when I get home.

I hope I don't get Jeep sickness from sitting in a desk at the MTC all day.

Well, the more time I spend here, the more I realize I am running out of time here. I have been getting progressively busier. So this letter will have to suffice for Emma's letter, Grammaie's, and Mom's dearElder.

It's now 4-18 and we have less than 2 weeks here left. I can't wait; the food is horrible.

Well, that's all for now. I got your package and half of the wasa crackers are gone as well as the spam. I will see if I can squeeze in time for a few more letters today.

Tschus! Love you all!

Elder Trevor "Ncognito" Baker

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