Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 14, 2011 Guten Morgen

Well its about 7.35 am here. My Emails are going to get a little weird soon. German keyboards are crazy. Just for a quick rundown, the z and y keys are swapped, there arent any semicolons or colons, no apostrophes, and there are umlauts all over the place ö ä ü, and then theres ß near the top. Fun stuff. I hope you all are having a fun time back at home.

I finally heard from Sean. Sent him a letter. He has surgery tomorrow, so I hope he does well. I get letters from Grandma every week. She sends money too, so if you all could thank her as well as me, that would be nice.

I met an older missionary by the name of Elder Noel. He says he has family from Charlotte, and he has played some golf with Don Shaw and knows Brother Jeff Shaw.

We got new German speaking missionaries yesterday. That officially makes us the oldest group here. Its scary to think about. It feels like just last week I was fresh off the boat.

We get travel plans in one week. I am excited for that. It means that I am actually going to Germany. Haha, I never thought I would actually make it there. I felt like I was spending eternity in the MTC learning gospel doctrine and German. I guess I can see the light so to speak.

I havent gotten your package yet, but at the same time, I havent gotten the mail yet today. I am going to send a package home this week with some stuff in it. Pics, and other things. I hope that you sent the package! It would certainly be embarassing to get a care package from a missionary. Hahaha.

But seriously, things here are going pretty well. I am learning German faster than ever, I have surpassed German 2 knowledge. I guess if I wanted to I could write a letter in German and see how you all do translating it, but that would take up all my email time.

I should be online later today. Probably around 11.30 to 1 my time. I will be expecting something... Haha

Viel Spaß!

Elder Baker

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