Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 24, 2012 Kraken!!!

Kraken!!!  Notice the oreo crumbles and chocolate drizzle.  Yum!

Layers of brownie, peanut butter, chocolate chip cookie, peanut butter, brownie, oreo crumbles, and chocolate drizzle to top it off!

17 days until Elder Birth leaves me!
Time has been flying by this week, not to mention this transfer.
We made the Kraken again with the Kempes. I am going to go crazy because of all the sugar. I will send pics.
I had to come up with a plan for our area because President Schwartz specifically asked for one. What I mean by that is that he specifically asked ME to create it. I am not sure if I should read into it, so I won't.
I cut myself pretty badly while shaving. It's on my neck and it looks like I tried to kill myself. Haha. The Kemes got a kick out of that one.
1. Are there any traditions in your mission? 
Let's see, there are what we call Tschuess Books which is comparable to what they call Sister Books in other missions. Writing our mission history is another thing that we usually do in our last transfer. Elder Birth is writing a book. It's taking forever.

2. When do I get to see this famously clean apartment you told me about? 
When we clean it. :)

3. Colin is trying to raise money to go on the 5th grade field trip to Washington D.C. in April. I was wondering if you might want to go on the trip too as a chaperone? I bet Colin would love it, and probably fun for you, and you would be able to go see a lot of cool places in D.C. Let me know if you are interested. I will have to ask if you could qualify as a chaperone, but I don't think it would be a problem at all. Principal Anderson asks how you are doing on your mission every time he sees Colin. You are famous!
Uh, yes I would love that. That would be so much fun. You should tell Colin that I will plan on it. I loved Washington D.C. last time we went (everything except for losing my cell phone in the Subway). Have I even met Principal Anderson?

4. When do you have to send your voting stuff back? 
Hm... I will send it off soon. Probably another week or so. I need to finalize my voting selections. I find out what is going on in the political world while Elder Birth writes his mission history.

5. Are other missionaries doing the same absentee voting? 
They actually made an announcement during last Zone Conference to send in Absentee Ballot stuff if we want to vote, but I think it would be too late for some people. I think I was the first one to get my absentee stuff done. I wonder what that says about me... I know a couple of other people who are doing it, but not many. I think technically, my vote counts more than any other vote in the mission. Haha.

6. Where is the missionary couple whose computer you use from? 
They are from Bountiful Utah.

7. Have you ever seen Sister Chase again?  
I don't think I will. She finished a while ago. I ended up seeing her about 2 or 3 times. Small world huh?

8. Dad wants to know if you've read through the D&C cover to cover? 
I did that last year so I wouldn't have to this year.

9. Dad also wants to know if your mission president has any sort of scripture memorizing program for you missionaries.
 Hm.. As far as I know, no. We now have a new training program for all the goldens. They learn the most useful scriptures while training and I guess pick up the rest later on.

10. Have you been back to Frankfurt at all?
 Once for Zone Conference while I was in Saarbruecken. And since transfers, no.

11. I've read Elder Hall's blog. He sounds really cool. Are there any other Elders that you've gone on splits with lately? How often do you do that? 
I went with Elder Hall's companion in Werdau last week, Elder Proffit. It was a good time. Other than those two, I don't have splits with anyone.
I did have a split with the Zone Leaders this trasnfer, that was interesting. I might write about that later.

12. How often are Zone Conferences? 
Really long. Especially if you have bowel problems like I did last time.

13. Have you had any new rules put in place recently? 
Not that I am aware of. I haven't heard of any attacks against missionaries or even riots here. 

14. What are you doing today for P-Day? 
We might be playing frisbee with the Elders from Werdau.

15. Does Elder Birth have a bucket list for the rest of his mission that he wants to check some things off of? 
No, just lots to write. He has things that he wants to get done, but other than that, nothing like a bucket list.

16. What's the best thing that happened this week? 
We made the Kraken. Again.17. How often do you go tracting during the week?
 Once in a while, its hard when we have so many things to get done before Elder Birth leaves.

18. Do you come home for lunch during the day? 
Yep. I gotta eat. I am not a robot. Thats one of the few misconceptions people have about missionaries. They need rest too.

19. Have you been chased by any dogs? 
Nope. The only dogs here are little ones used for punting.
Well, love you guys! It's great to hear about everything going on!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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