Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 17, 2012 Zone Conference was Amazing

In Crimitschau in the former DDR

Elder Birth and Elder Baker on the ICE

Elder Baker's new suit

So, this week has flown by like they always do. Some of the highlights were Zone Conference, a split with Elder Hall (Elder Birth trained him), eating with members, a musical fireside, and of course church. I will go into detail in a few moments.
I have been thinking a lot this week (dangerous, I know) about lots of stuff on my mission. What I have learned, what I haven't learned yet, and what I want to do. I had some really intesnse discussions with Elder Birth, but right now I can't remember any of them. I never seem to be in a recollection mood while I write emails.
I have also started getting a plan down for Gera. I will be sending it to President Schwartz today because he asked me to get one to him at Zone Conference. So that should take a little bit of time.
Zone Conference was amazing. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and it was great. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling too great during the second half, so It was harder to pay attention. We had a scripture chase type of game and I won the first question. Then after that I felt like I should let some other people win. :) Haha.
President Schwartz said that I should use the whole Mitt Romney thing while talking with people and I intend to. I hate reading political headlines here in Europe about the election. It's so aggravating, especially when I know the whole story. Grr...
I had a really good split with the district leader too, Elder Hall. He replaced me in Krefeld. I went to Werdau in Sachsen and realized what a quiet area it is. I kid you not, there is NO ONE outside after 5 pm. I walked across the entire city, literally the entire thing, and saw NO ONE. I am so glad I am in Gera. Other than the city, the split was good, we did a lot of contacting potential investigators which was nice. I got to see some isolated areas in Germany.
We also had a musical fireside at the church this Saturday. We were preparing a hymn and then heard what the other people were playing so we decided we would just do Once there was a Snowman. We also played Freres Jacques, or however you spell it, on these little kid xylophones. I felt like I was being mocked, but that's ok.
1.  What is your apartment like in Gera?  Pictures? 
My apartment is the cleanest most organized apartment I have ever had. I actually keep it that way. Its nice, I can actually feel organized. Pictures? Maybe soon.

2.  Do you ever talk to your neighbors? 
Uhm, no. I never actually see them. It's not like the neighbors across the street from us, we see them too much. Just yesterday, grandma on the top floor decides to go outside to see whats going on from the noise at the construction site. Well, she wasn't wearing a shirt. Lucky for me, I had the blinds down. Elder Birth didn't, haha.

3.  How does Elder Birth feel about going home? 
It hasn't really hit him yet. I let him know every day how long he has left. He is at 24 days now.

4.  Are you two working extra hard to keep his mind off of leaving and being trunky? 
Mom, I am trying to get him ready to go home. He hasn't got trunky yet, so I am still working on that. The sooner he has his mental realization he is leaving the better. Haha. Just kidding. But seriously.

5.  How is your mission book coming? 
I am in the process of buying a nice pen that wont screw up the pages. It's going really well. I have most of the pictures in there and I am maybe a quarter of the way done with writing the stories. I will give you the first entry in a week or so.

6.  Can you send me a new picture of you and Elder Birth for the blog? 
Yep, we got one in the ICE headed down to Nuermberg.

7.  What were the pictures of buildings that you sent last time?  
I am pretty sure they were pics of the Rathaus in Gera.

8.  Have you had any dinner appointments yet in Gera? 
More than I had in Saarbruecken... so far.

9.  Have you found a cheaper internet cafe yet? 
No, we usually just go to the senior couple that is in the area. Last week was just an off week. Glad that's over so I can concentrate.

10.  Was Elder Birth in Gera before you got there so he knows his way around already? 
Yeah, he was here for a transfer with Elder Baum.

11.  Do you need anything? Nope. :)

12.  How's your reading going in the BOM?  
I am in 3rd Nephi. There is plenty to highlight.

13.  Any questions for the family?
Not really. I will think about it while I write my email to president.

14.  Have you heard from Sean? Not for a couple weeks.

15.  How often do you fast as missionaries? 
Once a month works pretty well for me.

16.  What is your favorite German food? 
Oh gosh. Lebkuchen. I love that stuff.

17.  Can people tell where you are from when they hear you speak German? 
Sometimes. They can sometimes tell that I am a native English speaker.

18.  Do you have a pillow? 
Yeah. Haha.
Well you guys have a great week, and I will send you pics in another email! Bye!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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