Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 10, 2012 Gera is Great

Ah yes, my full week in Gera. It's been really cool here. Elder Birth and I have been very busy but it's been way fun for the past week or so. This week, I hope pictures will make up for the short email because I am stuck using a very expensive internet cafe this week. 

As for the rumor, President Schwartz dispelled that about an hour after I sent you guys emails. He said there wasn't going to be a mission merge. Oh well.

WIthout further ado, questions!

1.  How is Gera? 
Way cool. The members here are so welcoming and friendly. The city is actually tiny. ThinkFarmington but smaller. It was formerly part of the DDR and people like do reminisce about the "good ol days."

2.  How is Elder Birth? 
More mature, but other than that just about the same. 

3.  Are they still having the luau in Saarbrucken even though you've left? 
Yeah, they had it and said it was way fun. The attendance wasn't what they expected, but in the end Elder Johnson said it was a success.

4.  Did you teach anyone else to cook the scrumptious food? Yeah, I taught the Relief Society President how to make everything. She really liked the Pani Popo. It's funny because Popo means rear end in German...

5.  Any new investigators this week? 
Well, no. Our only investigator said that he would call us, so we are exploring other possiblities of finding people to teach.

6.  When was the last time someone was baptized in Gera? About a year ago I think.

7.  Is the public transportation just as good in Gera as you've seen in the rest of Germany? 
It's about the same. You can get just about anywhere in a short amount of time.

8.  What is Gera known for? 
It used to be a huge textile industry. There were also a lot of really rich people there back in the day.

9.  What are you planning to do for your p-day? 
Well today we were helping a member of the Catholic church here get a presentation done in English. We may also get some pictures for my mission book which you will love by the way.

10.  Tell me more about the cool elderly missionary couple you mentioned before.  Where are they from? 
I don't actually know where they are from, but Elder Kempe is exactly like me except he has all of the attributes that come with age.We meet with them fairly regularly but this week they are out doing other things.

11.  Didn't your mission president and his wife just finish serving in the Germany Berlin mission before he was called as the new mission president for the Germany Frankfurt mission?

12.  What was the best thing that happened this week? 
I got some cool pictures and had some really good appointments with members!

13.  Any questions for us here at home? 
Politics! I NEED TO KNOW!! Its like 56 days or something until elections! I still haven't got my information I requested from the voting office.

Well, have a great week and enjoy the pics!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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