Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 29, 2011 Last Week in Krefeld

Transfer Cycle

Elder Baker and Elder Peterson

Elder Peterson and a serious game of Pokemon

The Ayala Vasquez Family

On the train with Elder Van Camp

Well, this is my last week in Krefeld. We totally thought that I was going to stay with Elder Birth for another transfer. On Tuesday I will be going to Solingen for a day and then go down to Nürnberg. That is on the other end of the mission. Its even the Christmas capital of the world! I am so excited!

There is a lot that I have learned here, a ton of it has been about myself. I have learned about my teaching style as well as how I cope with stress and emotions and even my own adaptability to different kinds of situations.

Now that I know that I am leaving I have been thinking about Nedjat, one of my investigators. He is an amazing person with incredible faith and even though I can't communicate well with him, I know that his heart is in the right place. It makes me so sad to think that I wont be around to help him progress or teach him. I have the strongest feeling that he is one of the people I was supposed to teach while out here. It saddens me however to think of another missionary dropping him because they can't communicate with him. I had been thinking about that lately, but now even more so since I received my transfer call. I am so greatful for Nedjat and everything that his family has done for us, they are amazing.

Transfers are bitter sweet, so I come to find out. Elder Birth and I decided that we have to serve with each other again, he said that there are too many memories that we would have had, but never did. Haha

Well, I will send a few pics of my last few days here. It sure was fun. Off to Nürnberg!

And I hear that you guys are sending me a package soon! Yay! I just thought of something else that would be cool, if you haven't sent it yet, but some nori, spam, and ramen noodles! Haha

By the way, it would be really nice if you could let everyone know and update it in the ward handout thing, that my address will change. Just change it to the mission office address. That would be for the best. I would still get it every week. (I think) And if not, it's not really that big of a deal. Thanks!

Elder Baker

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011 Great Week in Krefeld

Haha! Back to school! I remember that, I guess I will still have to experience that a couple more times right? Haha.

Well, first of all, we FINALLY got a translator for one of our investigators! It was so awesome, it was definitely the best appointment I have had out here. He wants to be baptized and he has read through the Book of Mormon already and we are working on getting him some other church material. It was so awesome. We cleared up a ton about different commandments, and he even said that to him Jesus Christ is important to him. It was definitely the fruits of 4 months worth of labor. Definitely worth it.

Interesting tid-bit, we contacted somone who was in our contact at your own risk file. That was interesting. He is slightly radical in his views but he was a nice guy. It only shows me how friends can take you down the wrong path. Still, I hope he overcomes it.

As for me not wearing my glasses, I don't like wearing them outside where it's all hot and sweaty.
They just fall off my face and I have to keep adjusting them. No I didnt break them. Trust me, you will hear about it if that ever happens. Haha.

So we had an awesome time last Sunday at the Ayala Vasquez familys house. We played a game like pictionary, had some dessert and even got stuck there during a thunderstorm! Oh and I watched one of the guys play a game of Modern Warefare 2. I had to sit on my hands during it but it was cool.

So Elder Birth gave a talk during sacrament meeting and he forgot his notes at home. So that was fun. He ended up writing a talk during one of the other classes and giving it about 30 minutes later. Haha.

We had an awesome eating appointment with the Spence family too. They are awesome. Brother Spence is a great ward missionary and does a lot of work. I love it!

So I found out that our next zone conference is in about a month. The third week in the next month. Basically, there isn't anything I really really need. Except for a pillow... but thats another story. I will talk about that later. I love pictures, and videos, and things like that. American candy would be pretty cool too. Maybe like Junior Mints or something like that. Or just junior mints and ramen noodle packets. That would be an awesome package!

So about this pillow thing... Ever since I have been in Krefeld, I haven't had a pillow. I have two peices of foam in an old pillowcase. I wont dare take a picture because it would frighten you. It's really funny. We are just too lazy to go out and get a new one. That is also compounded by the fact that I don't really notice when I sleep and it doesn't bother me.

Well we also get transfer calls this week. So that means there is a chance that I am leaving or staying. I am going to guess that I am staying. But you will know next week! Guesses anyone?

Well, Today we are going to play sports down in Düsseldorf. Probably Ultimate frisbee or something.

By the way, I keep getting the crappy keyboard here in this internet cafe. It takes FOREVER to type anything.

So I will hear from you later and I love you guys back home!


Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 Pictures!!!

Elder Birth and Elder Baker

Kempen, Germany

August 15, 2011 Week???? I can't keep up anymore.

Well this has certainly been an interesting week for me. I have definitely seen a lot in just the short time I have been here.

Well to start off, every single appointment with investigators that we had fell out this week. That includes them coming to church as well. I see this as a test of patience and faith. Oh well, going back to last weeks email about goals and wishes, I have a circle of concern and a circle of influence. The circle of concern is what I may be focused on mentally, but the circle of influence determines my actions. I just need to define these... haha.

I was reading what Joseph Smith wrote about persecution and such. He said, "Marvel not, then, if you are persecuted; but remember the words of the Savior: "The servant is not above his Lord; if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also"; and that all the afflictions which the saints have to pass are the fulfillment of the words of the prophets have spoken since the world began."

I was reading that yesterday and I thought, wow it totally is true. Every time someone yells "sect" or "satan" or "pharisees" at us, it really makes sense to me. It's really sad to hear them but nonetheless they are there.

And as I went on reading, Joseph Smith talked about how just when we are going to do the most amount of good, the most amount of opposition comes in out way. It is so true. What I have found is that people downplay and even outright deny the power of the opposition of good. It exists and I believe that is one of the precious pieces of knowledge that has been lost over time. It sure is scary.

Well on to other things, Elder Birth and I love chocolate. It only fits that we are in Germany where the chocolate is amazing. Last week we got a ton of chocolate and a ton of ice cream, it was awesome, but at the same time it was pretty bad. We came up with a quote: "The easiest way to get rid of a temptation is to give into it. Then its no longer a temptation but a regret." I will just let you savor those words of wisdom.

It was so bad last week, that Elder Birth and I had a massive sugar crash. We named it "The great sugar crash of the 12th of August." It was really bad. No energy. Haha.

Also, I got these awesome talks from Elder Mayle by a guy named John Lund. We listened to one recently and there was something in it that struck me pretty hard. "Mature love is when you learn to appreciate differences and not resent them." It just made sense to me. It applies both to married life, dating life, missionary life, and just life in general. I find that when I focus on people's good qualities and spend less time focusing on imperfections of others, I am generally more happy. Truth! This is truth!

Well, we wont have zone conference until the second or third week maybe in September. So yeah. Oh well. I was actually hearing some good advice. When you send Christmas packages, make sure you send them a couple months early otherwise they will get here late. Deutsche Post... crazy.

Well, that's about it for this week. Hope all is good and I will hear from you all next week!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011 Heyo

So its another week here in Kre-Feld!

Well, I have gotten to know Elder Birth a little bit more now and he is a pretty cool guy. The only problem is that I get the feeling that I wont be with him for more than one transfer. We have both talked about it and we both get the same feeling. But you know, anything can happen. I actually joked that I would train next transfer. Haha. Now that would be interesting. I doubt it though.

Anyways, on to things that happened during the week. As far as productivity goes, Edler Birth and I get a lot done together witch is really good. We had a few more lessons than last week and we have been building a stronger relationship with the ward. I feel like I am starting to see success. Watch I am going to get transferred. Hah.

So I was in Düsseldorf last week. Again. I was with Elder Telfer, one of the zone leaders, again. Haha. We still had fun though. We basically went all over the city and did some refferal work. It was intense but fun. Elder Telfer is definitely zone leader material.

So we met this lady who was refferred from Göttingen a couple of weeks ago at the church. We brought Brüder Polkähn along and had an awesome tour of the building. We went into the Chapel and the woman explained that i looked really plain. Brüder Polkähn explained that pretty well and because he used to be catholic, he was able to give her the perfect answer. We later showed her the Baptismal font and she was like, I really want to be baptized. So I guess we have a soft baptismal commitment! =)

So I just thought of something I thought was really interesting that I learned this week. So, as missionaries, we deal with goal setting and using these numbers as key indicators of how things are going in our particular area. Well, I realized what a goal really is. A goal is something that I or we as a companionship achieve. So applying it to missionary work: Lets say I want to have 2 baptisms. That is not a goal, that is a wish. It depends on somebody elses agency for it to be fulfilled. This being said, I have learned how to not feel bad if I fall short of goals. I have learned not to be dissapointed to the point where I feel like I am at fault. I still feel bad for the person who may not have made the right choice, but as for myself, I have learned how to feel successful, even where on the surface it may not look like it. Sorry if that doesnt make sense, I can feel like my english is going. Haha.

Oh funny story. So I was not adequately warned around here that the Germans put weird stuff in their Ice Cream. So I bought some Straciatella Ice Cream, which is very delicous by the way. I hadn´t looked at what was in it because I was just used to buying it. I bought the cheapest kind. It was actually a different brand than what I usually get. You can see where this is going cant you? Anyways, I had already eaten half of it and Elder Birth had just finished talking to me about the stuff germany put in their ice cream. That made me really want some. So I go into the freezer and pull it out and walk back to the couch with a spoon. I really didnt want to check on the back and just start eating but I took heed to Elder Births advice. He asked " are you going to check?" I was like... "maybe" It was at that moment that I realized that this ice cream was especially delicous and i couldnt quite get the taste. I checked. It had "Wein" in it. So I had to go and throw it out. I will say though, this ice cream was delicious. Anyways, to end the story, I was really sad that that ice cream was so good but so bad. Oh well. I guess thats my lesson for not checking what is in stuff before I buy it.

Well, Elder Birth and I may play a couple games of Die Siedler Von Catan and maybe some frisbee later today.

I hope everything is going well at home and by the sound of it, it is.

I love you guys!

Elder Baker

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 1, 2011 Happy Birthday Mom

Hey Everybody!

First of all, I would just like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! Its so crazy that I have been out for 5 months. I cant believe how fast time goes by.

So as far as care packages and what not goes, the best place to send them are at the mission office. We have Zone Conference every month and I would get it then. Dont worry, I am not in a huge rush to get anything. Oh and I found a really cheap iPod at a really sketchy pawn shop here. 35 Euros, so I am good on music. This pawn shot was REALLY sketchy. Like insane. But I got a deal. Haha

Well, I got a new companion. His name is Elder Birth (Stephen, or Steven if you want to facebook stalk). He is from Holliday UT and is way awesome! I definitely have a lot that i can learn from him.

By the way, this computer I am using is ridiculously horrible so this email might not be so long. Gah, internet cafes. Sometimes I feel like I need a shower after going into one.

My awesome language skills are getting pretty legit. I can communicate pretty easily in german but i cant express how i feel very well which is typical. The language is coming along really well. I can tell that things are getting easier.

Last week was great, we had a ton of people in church. It was filled up and there was no more room. People had to sit on the stand.

This transfer is going to be really good, Elder Birth and I are going to get a lot done. We definitely work together really well. This transfer we are pushing for at least one baptism. We can totally do it.

We do teach a lot of people from a lot of different places. This place is certainly a melting pot.

Lets see, we are teaching Eckhardt. He is a German who is very intelligent. He has some really good questions and he is coming along pretty nicely. We are taking the bishop next time we go teach him.

We have also Maja who is from Serbia. She is otherwise known as Grandma. She is way nice and has a good mindset about people. We meet with her pretty often, answering questions and what not.

We also got a couple of referrals and made out appointments with them. We also have Brother Polkhaen going with us to one appointment on tuesday. He is the guy playing the accordian. He is on the right in the pictrures i sent last time.

Well, I love you guys and I will be sure to take lots of pictures with Elder Birth!

Elder Trevor Baker